Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Return of Moriarty (1981)

First published in 1974, this is a 1981 U.S. Berkley paperback edition of John Gardner's The Return of Moriarty. The series cover art ties it in with Berkley's Conan Doyle paperbacks, making is appear pseudo-canonical. Gardner would pen a sequel, The Revenge of Moriarty.

London is in a terror. The streets are filled with dippers, makers and bullies of every description, all collecting "contributions for the Professor." But Holmes saw Professor Moriarty swept over a waterfall in Switzerland! Could it be that Europe's Master Criminal somehow survived, and has returned to battle Holmes again in the greatest crime due of all time? It could indeed.

Title: The Return of Moriarty
Author: John Gardner
Year: 1981 (first published 1974)
Publisher: Berkley
Purchase: Amazon (U.S.) | Amazon (UK)

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